Nijverheidstraat 11-2
7511 JM Enschede
The Netherlands
Tel. +31(0)53 4315155
The office is located near the train station. On the map it is indicated with the red dot. Our office is easily reached by car, but just as easily by train.
By train
The direct train will get to or from Schiphol Airport (Amsterdam) in little over 2 hours. The train departs every 30 minutes. The same applies for the direct train to and from Rotterdam, the Hague and Utrecht.
Plan your trip: Train times & tickets.
By car
By car, take the A35 exit Enschede-Zuid. Go left to take the "Zuiderval" into the city and follow the signs "Centrum". After approx. 2km turn right at the first round-about (you pass several traffic lights before you reach the round-about) and continue on the Haaksbergerstraat. At the next round-about go straight. Our office is located on the right-hand side after approx. 100m (above Adecco). Just before the office and 50m from the round-about is a parking garage called "Zuidmolen".