I am excited to share that Dr. Paul de Groot and I will be presenting a webinar titled "Past, Present, and Future of AI in Seismic Studies" on 23 May 2024 at 18:30 PM CET.

This special online session, organized by Dong Zhang, PhD from the EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers) Chapter Netherlands, promises to be an enlightening exploration of AI's transformative impact on seismic studies.

I'll kick things off with an overview of dGB Earth Sciences, touching on the capabilities of OpendTect software, our unique freemium business model, and how we support academia with our licensing options. Then, Paul will take over to delve into the heart of AI's journey in seismic research.

We'll start from its early days at dGB Earth Sciences, spurred by an oil rig incident, and walk you through the evolution from simple neural networks to today's cutting-edge deep learning technologies that have revolutionized seismic analysis.

Our discussion will cover dGB's pioneering AI applications, including our early ventures into unsupervised waveform segmentation and the innovative Chimney Cube for geohazard identification. But we won't stop there - we're also looking ahead to what the future holds. How will AI continue to reshape our field? Will it supersede human analysts, or enhance our capabilities for more precise and efficient interpretations?

Secure your spot by clicking on this registration link.

I hope to see you online!