We are excited to invite you to join our OpendTect Machine Learning Developers’ Community!

Identifying the most appropriate geoscience Machine Learning techniques, workflows and data access patterns and using them optimally can be challenging for the best of us.

We are excited to invite you to join our OpendTect Machine Learning Developers’ Community!

The OpendTect Machine Learning Developers’ Community (OdtMLDC) is an inclusive group with an aim to build an open, organized, online ecosystem for Machine Learning within the context of the Machine Learning extensions to OpendTect.

OdtMLDC is also a place where you can share ideas, interesting datasets, and potential solutions with like-minded people who love to analyse data, and build the best solutions together, saving you valuable time, and expanding your horizons at the same time.

To join the community, please click on this link: Join the OpendTect Machine Learning Developers' Community on Discord

You will be invited to our active Discord Community Server (think Slack, but for large community interactions.) From there, and using the webinars, GitHub repos, FAQs and interactive sessions, you can get your questions answered, learn by answering other peoples’ questions and discover new areas from reading through the exchanges.

We are looking forward to helping you, help us, build up this valuable resource through community discovery, learning, practice and sharing!