
Seismic Attribute Computation by the WMPlugin's External Attribute Plugin is Now Available for Viewing
- Written by: Marieke van Hout
Following the overwhelming response to our previous webinar, where Wayne Mogg, an OpendTect power user and coding guru, showcased the intricacies of using ODBind for seismic attribute calculations, we're thrilled to present the next chapter in this enlightening journey.
In this second installment, Wayne focuses on harnessing the power of Python in OpendTect, facilitated by the innovative WMPlugins external attribute plugin.

Seismic Attribute Computation Using OpendTect’s ODBind Python Module
- Written by: Marieke van Hout
The recording of our recent webinar featuring Wayne Mogg, an esteemed OpendTect power user and programming expert and our Chief Technology Officer Arnaud Huck, is now available for viewing!
Here's what you'll discover in the recording:
Read more: Seismic Attribute Computation Using OpendTect’s ODBind Python Module

Missed our enlightening webinar last Thursday on the odbind Python Module, an open-source Python binding to OpendTect project data?
- Written by: Marieke van Hout
Check out the recording here: OpendTect Webinar: odbind Python module an open source Python binding to OpendTect project data
In this webinar, Wayne Mogg, an OpendTect power user and programming guru, takes you through the odbind Python Module. He demonstrates how you can leverage this new technology to effortlessly access OpendTect seismic and well data directly from a Jupyter notebook.

odbind Python Module - an open source Python binding to OpendTect project data
- Written by: Marieke van Hout
Free webinar - Thursday 18 January - 11 am CET by Wayne Mogg
You can register now.
Read more: odbind Python Module - an open source Python binding to OpendTect project data

OpendTect - Attribute Engine - link to recorded webinar
- Written by: Marieke van Hout
For those of you who missed last week's webinar I am hereby sharing the link to the webinar
Read more: OpendTect - Attribute Engine - link to recorded webinar

Unlock the potential of OpendTects Attribute Engine - Free webinar by dr. Paul de Groot the co-creator of OpendTect
- Written by: Marieke van Hout
Join us for an enlightening webinar on the Attribute Engine, a pivotal feature of OpendTect! Our Attribute Engine enables you to compute attributes on-the-fly or in batch mode, harnessing the power of distributed computing.

Two free ML webinars back to back
- Written by: David Markus
The first one is today, the 2nd next Thursday.
Join us for an exclusive webinar series featuring two back-to-back sessions that will provide a comprehensive overview of training a 2D CNN model architecture and seamlessly importing it into the OpendTect environment.
📅 Dates: 15 (TODAY) and 22 June
⏰ Time: 4 PM CEST

Free webinar on 'Machine Learning and OpendTect: Building and Training your 2D CNN Model'
- Written by: David Markus
Thursday 15 June 4 pm CET. Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7055758961598683735
Join us for an exclusive webinar series featuring two back-to-back sessions that will provide a comprehensive overview of training a 2D CNN model architecture and seamlessly importing it into the OpendTect environment.
Read more: Free webinar on 'Machine Learning and OpendTect: Building and Training your 2D CNN Model'

Free webinar on Approaches to Data Conditioning in OpendTect
- Written by: Marieke van Hout
Thursday, May 25th at 4 pm CET
Explore the diverse approaches to handling noisy or problematic seismic data in OpendTect. From trusted attributes to cutting-edge Machine Learning techniques.
Read more: Free webinar on Approaches to Data Conditioning in OpendTect