Dip Steering is used to enhance 2D- and 3D seismic data, to track phase-inconsistent horizons and to perform attribute analysis along stratigraphic events. Dip Steering is a prerequisite for the HorizonCube plugin, the basis of OpendTect’s Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation System (SSIS). Faults & Fractures and Machine Learning plugins can run without Dip Steering but Dip Steering is highly recommended as many tools and workflows perform better with Dip-Steered inputs.

All commercial plugins require OpendTect Pro.


The Dip Steering plugin supports the following features:

  • Computation of 2D- and 3D- Steering Cubes (in-line and cross-line dips are stored)
  • Extraction of horizons (unconformity tracker)
  • Computing attributes directly from the dip field (polar dip, azimuth, family of volume curvature attributes, ...)
  • Computing dip-steered multi-trace attributes (similarity, volume statistics, family of GLCM texture attributes, ...)
  • Computing dip-steered filters (Dip-Steered Median, Fault Enhancement Filter, ...).
Dragbar Dip Steering plugin